by Megan Jones


2 things from me, then you'll hear from Ruth. 

The Feb tasting is now on sale. Judging by how often we've been asked when/what/etc about this one you'd want to be moving fast. What: Slovakia / When: Feb 21st / Who: Could be you. Tickets Here.

Jura Packs. First in best dressed. 

Now for the real chat, enjoy. Grab a cuppa/glass of something

Hmmm, it’s Wednesday morning while I write, and I’m working from home eating banana pancakes, pondering over what to write for my first Natty Boy email without being the Natty Boy himself. The question is, what to write when you’re not the Natty Boy himself? The other question is, what to write in a wine email when you haven’t been drinking for 4 months even though you work in a wine bar? I know, I hear you, madness. And why hasn’t she drunk for 4 months? I won’t bore you but it’s all gut related. How very on-trend of me. Trust me, it's not on-timing. My gut has gone up the creek without a paddle. And apparently, no paddle also means no yeast/no sugar + no stimulants. Surely when you haven’t got a paddle and you’re up a creek, stimulation is just what you need. Anyway, you get the gist. I’m a woman in wine, not drinking wine, who is trying to write an email to wine lovers who wanna hear stuff about wine (not about me and my gut). But fear not, I have got some stuff for you…

This month I was told I could start drinking red wine - yay! So, guess what, all of my mentions are red. Now, I know as well as the next person that variety is the spice of life, and so while wine boxes of all colours are delightful, you gotta know that there’s more than enough spice amongst the reds in the cave de dan’s/Natty Boy Wines to keep you going for yonks. Like, the Ar Pe Pe, Rosso di Valtellina, Judith Beck Ink, Rully Pinot Noir and Big Bunch Theory Fresh Impression Rouge that I drank on my b-day, which is bonkers by the way. Try that. Oooo and actually, there is this…:

Ed (the other Aussie that’s part of our 4 strong, lean, mean, fighting machine team) and I drank a bottle of Suertes del Marqués, Vidueño 2019 on Saturday night (ta Dan). It stank when we opened the bottle - perhaps the result of the 25 varieties both red and white (I know, I 10% cheated my gut) colliding in the bottle and then exploding out, but probably more to do with intentional winemaking. In fact, it has 100% to do with winemaking, reductive wine-making to be precise; doing everything in your wine-making power to prevent exposure to oxygen throughout the process. Did I mention Meg and I are doing our Level 3? ;) I was intrigued by what was to come, but once the smell faded, Ed and I quickly came to the conclusion that what was left was just a bit boring. Especially for 40 squid. HOWEVER, like the impatient twenty-somethings that we are, it turned out we just hadn’t given it enough time. Because each glass we poured got better and better. AND THEN we had to knock it back because we had a gig to get to (sorry Dan). Anyway, please buy this if you’re more in pocket then I am. Drink it real slow and give it the time it deserves that I could not. And then report back. Thank you.

Well, there we go. Thought I’d be the wine girl with nothing to say about wine. But there is ALWAYS something. And something is better than nothing. Fingers crossed. And for that reason, I hope you’ve been mildly entertained (as per my brief). Just don’t come into Dan’s and ask me for a load of white/orange reccos, I’m working on being your go to red gal.

Thanks and loadsa love xxxxxx