3rd January – New Year, Extra Tasty Us👌

by Megan Jones


Where does the time go? We're back, mildly fresh, performing the wine shop version of Tetris once again. Serving you, Masters. Huge things happening this year, you just wait.

Because January is officially the worst month of the year in this neck of the woods, we're gonna spice things up. Two weeks from tomorrow we've two of the hottest winemakers in South Africa, who also make semi decent wine, joining us to splash around their wares. A handful of tickets are still kicking around. Not 2 be missed m8.

There's a new website coming too, one that'll show off our bulging range even better, and allow us to flex things even harder in 2023 and beyond. 

And to round out the month, dan's turns 1 and it's also Australia Day. So, Saturday Jan 28th, make sure you're in London and thirsty. Ultra thirsty. Huge moves await.

But to kick things off, some thoughtful reflection. I want you to put on some calm music, something like this, whilst I regale you with the 3 best liquids I put in my mouth last year (that we also happen to sell)...

Some days I pack and label boxes and look out at the rain and wonder why it is that I chose this life, and then other days I go to lunch and open a wine and it makes sense all over again. Weird that. So yeah, in no particular order and with or without context...

Bret Brothers, Fleurie 'Les Poncies' Zen - tonic like. If I made wine, this is what I'd want it to taste like. Non-stop in terms of refreshment, things going on too. 

Arianna Occhipinti 'Siccagno' Rosso - in the summer I went to Sicily to see some old mates. Too long between drinks. Oddly enough, it was a red wine at 11am on a 40 degree day that stood out. SO good I can still taste it. Frappato gets the acclaim at this address, but this one is the dark horse. 

Clemens Busch Riesling Trocken - when this wine got released again, I threw a bottle in the ice bucket and ran off to get some KFC (Korean, sorry Colonel). Match made in heaven kind of stuff. 

Farewell for today. I have to go beg the LNER staff to let me on a train back to London.

