by Megan Jones


Have you been admiring my developing product photography skills on the website? Me too. If not, head over and check them out, dotted around. We're in the process of making things both way better and way prettier. It's about time. A stupidly good selection of wine gets you only so far. More to come, watch this space. Huge year ahead.

You may also start to notice more than one voice in and around here. I can only be The Voice for so long, and so we are becoming The Voices. Fortunately for both you and I, the additions are better writers than me, so the chat will continue. New and improved. New Year New Us. Live Love Laugh xxx

Onto wine.Ā 

Megan has some picks to ease you into the week. As I said, safe hands all round.

COS RamiĀ -Ā Threw my birthday party chez Danā€™s in December because I was too lazy to find somewhere else and also coz itā€™s the greatest. Brought this bad boy out to an audience of friends who think itā€™s hilarious that Iā€™m a wine wanker now. Suffice to say it shut them up fast. Salty, floral, beaut colour in the glass ā€“ one to convert the masses.

Grappe, TraminerĀ -Ā The more I venture into the Jura the more I never want to leave. This is the wine thatā€™ll quieten those screw top naysayers. As far as Iā€™m concerned the screw top just means I can get it open faster. So fresh, so nutty, so gone-in-half-an-hour. Yum.

La Stoppa,Ā AgenoĀ -Ā Every Tom, Dick and Sally has been banging on to me about how great La Stoppa is for months, but I only recently got the chance to try it for myself, and all I can say is sheesh. Just buy this and thank me later. Onto the last 6pk of the 2016 too!

As for the Head East headline... we've added some things fromĀ SlobodneĀ andĀ Nibiru, including some unfermented grape juice for those being clean but who also want to still be nice to themselves. On that note, some new alt-wine-gear from the UK too.Ā Be sharp!

That's it. So grim out. I need a coffee.

