12th July – 😍 A Testalonga Re-Up, Hectic Natty Piss from Lammidia + Tasting Tix Moving Quick

by Megan Jones


You demolished the drinks cabinet over the weekend, didn't you? How naughty. All is forgiven though, thanks for giving me something to do...

In phenomenal news for Testalonga lovers everywhere, I've secured a second stash of Baby Bandito Booze. Summer ready reds, and crushable whites/skinsy things, all sub £20. As Shakira would say, wakka-wakka. These are available here, as some keen eyed folk have already noticed. I'd say move swiftly, but that surely goes without saying?

Fresh off the delivery van, fresh into the fridge and probably fresh into your gullet are the wines from Lammidia. Usually someone trying to deliver wine on a Friday evening when service has started would be told to do one, but then not all wine is created equal and I'm sometimes a really nice guy. Effortlessly lively numbers from the Abruzzo, these are wines that have been improving every vintage, and now sit at the level where I'm happy to welcome them to the Natty Boy fold. Quality is key in these parts after all, I'll leave the trendy shit to the mortal merchants (hi if you're reading). Stocks are limited here, so if you're a fan, do your thing. These should all be destined for the fridge, especially with the sun being as it is right now. Slip, slop, slap and chuck them in the esky. Have a crack right here.

That's probably enough to whet the appetite wine wise today. Thursday's a biggie too. Ze Germans are coming, so buckle up.

Next Tuesday (the 19th) we're throwing open the doors and busting corks on five wines that should be top of your list over the next few months. Tickets are moving, so if you're looking for a reason to get out on a Tuesday night then look no further, but also make moves as this will sell out by the end of the week. There'll be some lovely snacks too, for those who are peckish. Grab a ticket below, and live the good like.

That's all from me today, got a ferry to catch, beach to sit on etc etc
