by Megan Jones


What a beauty...

It seems mildly appropriate that as we ease into one of the more neg looking weekends in a while that I come to you with outstanding news from near and far. Mostly near, and mostly immediate. But always outstanding. 

As the extended forecast is looking decidedly English, we're going to be moving next weekends Julian Shied tasting indoors. But that does not mean things will be dry. The good stuff will flow, wine as well as chat. This move means we can extend the invitation to another 7 guests also. Tickets are available here. Judging by how fast the initial lot went, you'll be wanting to move quickly. GO!

Not sure if you've noticed, but we've really been giving it a nudge in the wine department of late. Even more than usual. It's a stressful time to be a stockroom atm in our neck of the woods. An even worse time to be a rack of shelves. Things are bulging. 

Fizz first. Because. Ever heard of Derain? Neither had I. One of my lovely suppliers had us over for lunch a few weeks ago and kicked things off with this. Alongside what can only be described as a smorgasbord of fine cheese, it was a wicked way to begin. I don't tend to get too excited about bubbles outside of Champers that I cannot afford, so it was a special moment for me. Single tear vibes. Needless to say we've now got it on said shelves. Rip in.

Speaking of Champers. We picked up a tiny bit more Egly-Ouriet, and an even tinier amount of La Rogerie. Don't hesitate.

If you're wanting my tips for drinking atm here they are...

This was unreal. The perfect example of a maturing wine that hasn't been manipulated, over-oaked, over-extracted. Just over-done really. Sangiovese with a bit of age is one of life's great pleasures. And it's a pleasure to share it with you all.


This is back. For a final 12 bottles only. Wine is funny. You find something and it's amazing but then you drink it and it's gone. Scarcity increases. Occasionally you find it lurking again, and if you're good enough, which we are, you snaffle it all up. White Burgs of great esteem with a beautiful price point. Whack the chook on.

That's me today. 
