by Megan Jones
What’s up winos,
Well, the season truly has begun! Yesterday in the warehouse I counted two almost broken ankles, seventeen paper cuts and six temper tantrums (all me). And we’re only just getting started! Stressed? Me? No u! I’m fine! I’m fine.
You know what else is fine, these Champagnes that just dropped from Olivier Horiot. Olivier and his wife Marie are makin waves in the lesser known Les Riceys, from some lesser known grapes. Arbane, heard of her? Yah me neither, and given there’s less than a hectare left of it in France, I’m not going to feel bad about it. I’m gonna get to know, though, and so should u. Six beautiful bottlings to cater for all (okay, not all, some) budgets and vibes, so make some space in the fridge.
New British invasion wines also! Sophie Evans brings us her latest Pinot, gently extracted and aged in glass demijohn before being bottled in reused glass. Glass that may have actually originated from our bar, since we spent the last few months collecting empties for her bottling pleasure (cue more almost broken ankles). The circle of life, you might say. Go green here. Slamming Blanc de Blancs just dropped from Ham Street as well, a rare English sparkling that comes off sustainably farmed vineyards. It’s hard enough to make wine on this rock without doing it in an environmentally friendly way as well, but that’s just Ham Street’s vibe, they love the graft. And you’ll love this.
A couple of these super artsy oranges also kicking about from Abracadabra. Come for the bottle, stay for the wine. Had one of these at my fave bar in Paris two weeks ago (omg did I not mention I went to Paris? Pull up a pew and I’ll bore you to death about it) and it hit the exact refreshment spot that was sorely lacking after the longest and booziest lunch of my life (so far). Light, energetic and hydrating, it’s basically like drinking electrolytes. Basically.
So as we careen chaotically towards the most wonderful time of the year, let’s talk important dates. You don’t wanna be put in charge of booze for the big day and then drop the ball at the last minute. So let’s get organised.
Get your orders in by Monday 23rd December 2.30pm if u want ur wine for Christmas!
Get your orders in by Monday 30th December 2.30pm if u want ur wine for New Year’s!
Get your orders in by Friday 20th December 2.30pm if u want ur wine for Christmas!
Get your orders in by Monday 30th December 2.30pm if u want ur wine for New Year’s!
We’ll be open 12-6pm on Tuesday 24th December!
We’ll be open as normal 27-30th December!
We’ll be open 12-6pm on Tuesday 31st December!
We’ll be open as normal from 2nd Jan!
That’s all! Back to the grind…
Love u!