by Megan Jones

What's up winos,

Exciting times here at Natty Boy HQ. Got a couple of seriously dope drops coming your way over the next week or so, and this is just the start. Are u ready? Or more importantly, is your bank account ready?

For today's drinking pleasure, I'm bringing you the outstanding offerings from Roagna, cult Piemonte producer at the pointy end of things. We've even done the ageing for you. How nice are we? Very.

Kicking things off with the Barbera from 2017. I've had many a run in with Barbera in my time in the wine world, and not all of them have been pleasant, let me tell you. This, however, is pleasant personified. It's gorgeously soft and elegant but with some serious tertiary stuff coming through in the form of tobacco and cedar thanks to those six years hanging out doing the ageing thing. 

Next we've got the Barbaresco 'Gallina' cuvee, a sexy wine for those wintry nights where you start wanting a drink at like, 3.30. Just me? Fine, means I get to keep it to myself. This is so seductive and supple, a bed of red fruits sitting on a solid backbone of tobacco and spiced cocoa, all rounded off with a dash of dried orange peel. If you're more into your florals, the 'Albesani' is where it's at. This is so pretty, lifted and aromatic, with some nuttiness in the form of almonds and herbs in the form of mint. Can u say energy?

If you're quick, and I mean really quick, you might get this email in time to snap up one of the 'Faset's. Simultaneously fresh and solid, here we have cherries and strawberries backed up by some serious rustic tannins. Followed by the big guns: Barolo 'Pira', giving old school Barolo vibes with fine, dusty tannins, red fruits, almonds, aniseed, menthol... I could go on, but why would I? Are u not entertained? 

Then right at the top, at the pointiest of pointy ends, looking down on all the other wines beneath it: the Comune di Barolo 2016. Just... woof. So rich, so complex, so earthy yet so lifted, so floral, so aromatic. So GOOD. Your cellar is about to get a lot better, or your kitchen counter is if you cba to wait any longer. No shade either way.

Want a taste of the Roagna lifestyle on a budget? Could do worse than their Dolcetto, structured and silky and dark fruited. Fresh and pure like all things Roagna. Don't say we don't spoil u.

That's all from me, got a log fire and a bottle of Nebb waiting for me. Be more like me, get your paws on some.

Love u!

