by Megan Jones

What’s up winos,

Good long weekend? Mine was lush, thanks for asking. Spent Sunday night at the soft opening of Ken’s, which was pretty spectacular. You guys should be very excited. Ken’s is opening his doors from tomorrow at 5pm for walk-ins only, with reservations available from next week via this link. It’s seriously something special. Don’t want to give too much away, but back in January when I first saw the space in all its abandoned NHS pharmacy glory, with Dan asking if I ‘saw the vision’ as we stepped over piles of abandoned informative leaflets and pairs of spectacles, suffice to say I never thought it would turn out like this. It’s beautiful, it’s wonderful, you guys are so lucky. Can’t wait 2 c u there.

On to other things. I have the pleasure of bringing you some seriously iconic wine this week. First up is a hot new drop from the Jura, in the form of O2Y. O2Y, aka Olivier, Yves and Yoshi, are a nĂ©goce operation based in Poligny, sourcing the best grapes from the best vineyards around. If you need any further convincing, Yoshi’s other gig is working as the assistant winemaker at Overnoy (

.). IYKYK. And if you don’t know, get with the program. These wines are so special – ethereal, deep, a little bit weird, a lot bit delicious. I’ve got four of their cuvĂ©es coming to you right here. These bottles are gonna fly, so don’t wait around twiddling your thumbs.

Also from the Jura, got two new bottles from Fumey-Chatelain, one of which I was fortunate enough to drink in the Jura, in a cute little wine bar overlooking a river beneath the slowly setting sun, birds chirping, a fat slice of ComtĂ© in my hand
 I digress. Those were the days. Make those your days, by snapping them up – a ridiculously good Chardonnay at a frankly ridiculous price, and a gorgeous Trousseau, also a snip in terms of price.

Continuing on the theme of icons, I’ve got a teeny tiny number of bottles from the late great Domaine Bellaurd, re-named since Dominique’s tragic passing as Domaine du Gringet, in honour of all the work he did to bring the humble Gringet grape to prominence. Both the wines were begun by Dominique himself – the Brut Nature was finished by Vincent Ruiz, who is taking the helm at the domaine, and the Eponyme was finished by Dominique’s friend Ganevat. Yep, you read that right. I need to get myself some better friends. These wines are quite literally one offs – they’ll never be made in this way again, so if you want them, don’t dilly-dally. Add 2 cart and bask in Belluard’s genius.

No less iconic, although a bit more purse-friendly, are new Natty Boy arrivals Meinklang. Meinklang were one of the first biodynamic farms in the world, based in Burgenland in Austria, and the farm now is basically one self-sufficient circle of life – they produce feed for their livestock, who in turn fertilise the soil, which in turn grows the vines
 you get the idea. You don’t need me to explain what the circle of life is. If you do, I refer you to that little known movie, The Lion King. ANYWAY. All three cuvĂ©es from Meinklang are just drinkability personified – got a rosĂ© for those grasping for the last of the summer days, a smashable Gruner which we’ll be pouring BTG at dan’s this week if you wanna try before you buy, and an orange that Fionn described as ‘like Five Alive’. I don’t remember that far back, but I’ll take his word for it, and you should too.

Last order of business – tickets are flying for our tasting with Mick Craven in October. Get yours right here.

Gotta go, things to do, people to see, boxes to pack, etc. Catch ya soon.

