by Megan Jones

What’s up winos,

Hope I didn’t jinx anything with that title. I’m just being realistic. I’m praying for a September summer as much as the next gal, particularly since all my holidays are booked for October, so I’ve been here for every gruelling, rubbish day of summer so far. Point is, I’ve got some serious summer wines for you, regardless of whether the weather co-operates. Here come the bangers.

First up, a little restock from Karim Vionnet over in Beaujolais – remember him, with the butter in the spinach? No? You mean you don’t print out and frame every single one of my emails? Weird, but whatever. Anyway, Karim’s back, and we’ve also got a new cuvée from his winery, this time vinified by his daughter Noémie, who picks a different site every year to make wine from as she slowly plots her coup d'etat of the vineyard. Joking. I’m sure it’s a consensual takeover. Either way, Noémie’s wine is beautifully floral, the fruit a bit riper and deeper than you sometimes get with Beaujolais, and would be gorgeeeeous if you chucked it on ice for a little bit.

Speaking of restocks, we sold out of our first round of Piuze Chablis ‘22s in about a week (good work, guys), so I had to replenish. Let’s sell ‘em out again! Who doesn’t like micro-plot Chardonnay? Idiots, that’s who. Don’t be an idiot, be a genius, by clicking here.

Next up I’ve got a lovely fresh Spanish white. I normally like Spanish whites for their richness, and I am correct, but Ismael Gozalo is making freshies, and he is also correct. All work is done in stainless steel so this is light as a feather, a beautiful expression of Verdejo (which isn’t always the case, trust me). This is aperitivo wine personified.

On the subject of aperitivos, got a Lambrusco-esque fizzer from new producer Crocizia (new to us, not new in general – they’ve been hanging out since 1992). This is Barbera + Croatina, and hits all the same spots as Lambrusco does, but is still nice and light. = aperitivo, as I said. Fair warning, she’s got some energy in her, so maybe open over the sink. Or a giant glass, whatever works.

Next I’ve got a bit of a ~wild option from Weingut Leiner, for people who like to get a bit ~crazy. In my mind, there’s orange wine, and then there’s ORANGE WINE. This is definitely the latter. Not for the part-timers, not for the faint of heart, this is proper. Super aromatic, fresh, weird, shredding acidity. This is one for the already-converted, not those you’re trying to convert. If your mum asks you what orange wine is, don’t give her this, she’ll be terrified. But you won’t be! See what I’m talking about right here.

Lastly, a couple of strays - a mini re-stock of Grillons Une Ile and Vieux Sage. Quantities are TINY, so move fast. And the '21 Mogul from Mas Theo just landed - a lovely, gluggable skinsy, or a complex white, depending on how you wanna slice it.

Final order of business – next tasting just went live on the website, and this time we’re heading to South Africa. Howzit! Mick Craven is gonna be gracing us with his presence on the 3rd of October. I can personally vouch for him being a legend since we tasted together back in February, and instead of tasting and spitting he just drank five glasses of his own wine, at 11am. King. You don’t wanna miss this one, it’s gonna be a doozy. Smash the link here to secure your spot.

That’s it from me, gotta go plan my outfit for the soft launch of Ken’s on Sunday. That’s right. Opening day approaches. R u excited??

