by Megan Jones

What’s up winos,

How’s your back? I think I broke mine yesterday. Me and Fionn spent all day hauling our stock round the corner to our new warehouse space, with a little help from the literal angel Gabriel who popped by to give us a hand. It’s ENORMOUS, we put everything in there and there’s still space to do a cartwheel. Not that I can, after yesterday (I had to sit down to put my shoes on this morning), but maybe with a bit of recovery time. Gone are the days where if I sneezed while packing orders I ran the risk of sending a cascade of Radikon crashing to the floor. It was a day of firsts; first time I used one of those wheelie trollies delivery drivers use (my respect for DHL drivers, already high, is through the roof after yesterday), first time building shelves without any instructions and using only a corkscrew for tools (on brand). The instructions were, of course, at the bottom of the box, which I found when I went to throw it away. Whatever. They only would have slowed me down. Anyway, I’m now trained for a bunch of new careers, should this one not pan out. You should see my guns these days, pretty sure I could rep team GB in deadlifting. This job involves a lot more manual labour than I realised when I said yes to it. Hard to believe I used to sit in a basement in front of a laptop for nine hours a day, moving commas around in word documents. Sticking with this career for now though. Me and Fionn are SALIVATING at the thought of all the wine we can buy now we have so much space. Stay tuned. Exciting times at Natty Boy Wines.

On to wine. I’m digging this late summer heatwave (a great time to do a warehouse move) and the only thing I want to drink in this heat is rosé. Are u with me? Of course you are.

As I mentioned last week, Austrian rosé is really doing it for me these days, and this one from Malinga and this one from the Schödl family are at the top of my list. Fruity, aromatic, punchy yet light at the same time. It’s over for u, Provence. For some slightly more purse friendly bottles, try this Judith Beck or this Meinklang. Austria! Guten freaking Tag!

Another banger is this one from Lamoresca - very natural but supremely smashable Rosato chock full of fresh summer berries. Like a smoothie, only better for your mental health. Chuck this on ice, but not for too long - gotta let those flavours sing.

Sticking with Sicily, got a tiny amount of rosato kicking around from master of Mount Etna, Frank Cornelissen. More structure here than you often see in pink wine, and all the better for it. This is a cult bottling, and you wanna be part of this cult, trust me.

Finally, a little closer to home, the funkiest of the lot has to be Matt Gregory’s Ancestral Pink, a beautiful rose gold colour (remember the chokehold rose gold used to have on us? Glad we’re out of those particular woods) and an unmistakable English garden thing going on. Grapes all undergo carbo which keeps the fruit nice n juicy. One to be smashed in a single sitting, or is that just me?

You know what else I found during our little jaunt round the corner? MERCH. If u wanna rep Dan’s around town then do the right thing and grab yourself a shirt. Then when you come to the bar people will assume you work there and ask YOU questions and I can put my feet up. Win win.

Final order of business, tickets still on the go for our tasting with Mick Craven. Don’t sleep on this one, I’m dead serious.

Gotta go, got a deep heat pack with my name on it. Pray for me n my ageing back.

Love u!

