by Megan Jones

What’s up winos,

Hope you all had a cracking weekend. I sure did, it was my birthday! Happy my birthday to all who celebrate! Felt every one of my thirty-two years while I was packing the 50+ orders from the weekend. You guys are stocking up early aren’t ya! Keep it up, lifting boxes is my calling.

The good things just keep on coming chez Natty Boy. Every day seems to bring a delivery of something exciting. Like the twelve days of Christmas? Or something? Idk, carols aren’t my thing. My thing is good wine. So here we go.

It’s a very good time to be into the Jura, and if you’re not into it yet, now’s the time. The new vintage from Marnes Blanches just dropped, and it’s a biggie. Pauline and Gerard are Jura natives, and like the best winemakers they got started when they were still kids. Legal? Maybe not, but great for experience. Suffice to say, they know their way around a vine. Like your Jura Chardy topped up? Tropical? Or do u like it oxy? Maybe you’re more of a fizz-head? Or maybe u go nuts (heh) for fortified? Pinot? Poulsard? There’s something for literally everyone here, except maybe for people who have bad taste. Don’t be those people. 

Hopping across the border to Germany, just got in a truckload of Hofgut Falkenstein, otherwise known as top drawer Rizza. This domaine is riding that new Germany wave, returning to the ye olde way of winemaking - i.e. minimal intervention, i.e. a bit of us. As with all top drawer Rizza, the names of these wines are unnecessarily wordy, but that’s not a concern for you, it’s a concern for me when I’m packing them. Dw, I’m well good at my job. Four different Riz cuvees for you ranging from Trocken to Kabinett (look it up), all rounded off with a fizzer. Rizza fizzer? Sorry. Long day.

If you like your wines hard to pronounce, stick around in Germany for Staffelter Hof. They’re the oldest winery in the world that is still operational today, and the sixth oldest company of any description in the world. Who makes these lists? Cool statistic tho. Though they’ve got 1100 years of winemaking in their blood, they’re not stuck in the past - they definitely got the fun label memo, and the zero sulphur one. Funny how those often go hand in hand. Either way, old though their history may be, the wines are absolutely of the time - crisp, refreshing and fun. Wines to splash about with abandon!

One final birthday present from me 2 u - on the 17th of December the absolute wine legend that is Jamie Goode (aka the Wine Anorak, aka celebrated author, judge, lecturer) will be hosting a tasting chez Dan’s, pouring what he considers to be some of the best stuff coming out of Spain right now. We’re talking Suertes del Marques, Comando G, Bodegas Tameran, Ponce
 seriously big names, brought to you by another seriously big name. It’s the last tasting of the year, so we thought we’d make it special. Tickets here, c u there.

Gotta go, off to lie on a hard wooden floor and pray my back survives the Christmas box-packing period.

Love u!
