Piss Talk
Read more: Natty Girls-in-Training: Week Four of the WSET. RIESLING!
Natty Girls-in-Training: Week Four of the WSET. RIESLING!
by Megan Jones
Howdy pardners, happy new year! How’s that hangover treating ya? If you still have one now, a week later, then I tip my hat to you. Still too soon ...Read more -
Read more: Natty Girls-in-Training: Week Three of the WSET
Natty Girls-in-Training: Week Three of the WSET
by Megan Jones
If week two was all about how to keep those grapes grape-ing, week three was about what happens when they actually get to the winery. A lot, apparently. The more I learn about wine, the more respect I have for vignerons. They have so many enemies.Read more -
Read more: Natty Girls-in-Training: Weeks One and Two of the WSET
Natty Girls-in-Training: Weeks One and Two of the WSET
by Megan Jones
What’s up, kids. If you were expecting Dan’s dulcet Aussie tones, ‘fraid I’m here to disappoint you. Dan doesn’t need to take the WSET – in fact he famously took the entrance exam for me and completed it in eleven minutes. That’s why he’s our lord and saviour, and we just his humble wine neophyte servants.Read more -
Read more: Top 4 Natural Wines For September
Top 4 Natural Wines For September
by Daniel Long
Here we go! Shorter days and cooler nights calling for some medium-bodied juice. In no particular order, here's the top 4! Goisot 'Corps de Garde' ...Read more -
Read more: A Rant About Organics
A Rant About Organics
by Daniel Long
There’s a huge amount of emphasis placed on the term “organic” but what does it actually mean for wine production, and the end product that we drin...Read more -
Read more: Hot Spanish Piss!
Hot Spanish Piss!
by Daniel Long
I can remember a time when many a stores Spanish selection rarely verged from classic Rioja in all its oaked, dried out glory. These wines absolute...Read more