by Megan Jones

Hey Fionn again!

Spent the first part of the week on a very glamorous west country getaway thanks to my benevolent bosses. Full rundown incoming but Iā€™ve returned feeling oh so refreshed. Was even more giddy to arrive back to see plenty of shiny new things on the shelves.

No time to waste, so straight into the large drop ofĀ Henri ChauvetĀ we received.
As a relative newcomer, ā€˜21 being his maiden vintage, he caused a real frenzy in Paris before importers worldwide fought to get their hands on his polished precise cuvĆ©es. Down in the Auvergne with 10 hectares on a myriad of different terroirs he is pushing out classy, clean and mind-bending bottles. Arguably some of the most captivating things Iā€™ve tasted recently. Exceptional farming and bottled with only a tiny tiny amount of sulphur if deemed necessary. Oh, and he cut his teeth with the Legendary Cornas producer ThiĆ©rry Allemand. Itā€™s safe to say these are the real deal. Get in early before these become inevitably scarce and as such expensive.

Two weird, yet wonderful whites to kick us off. Firstly, a direct press Gamay. A stillĀ Blanc de NoirĀ if you will. Golden-hued, golden-fruited and full of citrus and smoke. Weirder? No probs.Ā Epilogue MMXXIIĀ is a late harvested, botrytized Chard that is bottled with a smidge of residual sugar. This is honeyed, rich and screaming for food. You could have endless fun but when I tasted this my belly went straight to something spicy fresh from a smokinā€™ wok. Normal service resumes withĀ THISĀ pristine number.

Some delicious pink things too. Weā€™ve stockedĀ THISĀ for a while. You fools have been sleeping on it. IMO this is one of the best roses Iā€™ve EVER tasted. Perhaps, only second to thisĀ greatĀ from Pataille.Ā The latest additionĀ isnā€™t too far behind. Pretty and pink with lots of wild berries. Just in time for these warmer evenings.

Reds next.Ā THISĀ is for you Jura lovers. Deft and delicate thanks to the addition of direct press Pinot and Chardonnay. Ethereal, teeming with red fruit, smoke and spice. A wine that is certainly not short on either complexity or drink-ability.

A pair of good Gamayā€™s that showcase the serious, seductive side of the grape.Ā THISĀ is the kind youā€™d find in the Beaujolais, whilstĀ THISĀ is the local strain that produces more mineral expressions. If you wanna be a geek, like me, drink these two side by side for comparison. However, both are just as delicious if you wanna go solo and not be a dork.

Saved the best for last. An age worthyĀ GamayĀ that my tasting notes for were pretty wild. Dried flowers, Szechuan pepper, pineā€¦ The list went on and on. Itā€™ll be a big ask to find a more layered and nuanced expression. Plus, a world classĀ PinotĀ for good measure. Satin-smooth tannin and plenty of spice hint at a long life for this as well.

There's something thoroughly addictive about these wines. I canā€™t recommend them enough. Well worth a splurge, especially if you havenā€™t drank much from the Auvergne!

Also, weā€™ve just announced our latest tasting. William Downie will be in the building guiding us through his exceptional, site specific Pinots. Working for Legendary Bass Philip before venturing out on his own these are some of the finer things coming out of Aus atm. Hosted in our shiny new space, tickets for this are incredibly limited. Expect an intimate evening full of good chat, great wines + snacks. Not one 2 miss.Ā Tickets here.